Ascension Secrets Weekend Retreat



Experience cleansing and renewal of your inner being utilizing ancient practices with like-minded individuals seeking spiritual ascension. We are asking a small donation of $11.11 per person. Please use the Paypal button below to make your donation. Then use the message box to complete your registration, with name, phone and email address. We will confirm your registration for the event via return email.

14 + 15 =

We are looking forward to seeing you at the retreat. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out through the message box.

Divine Love and Gratitude!

Those who wish to bring an RV or camp out may arrive anytime on Friday, July 22, 2022.

The event highlights are as follows:

Friday – “Mayan Moon Meditation by the campfire”

Saturday – “Sunrise Sungazing” with crystal singing bowls                     

9am CST — Eat & Greet *Door Prize Drawing

10am CST – “The Miracles of Mud Therapy and More”
We will demonstrate different methods of therapeutic mudding, as practiced in ancient times.

11:00 am CST — Snack & Change

12:00 pm CST — “Mud Ceremony” with crystal singing bowls

5:00 pm CST  — Evening Meal

7pm CST — “Deep Dives Discussion”
Terra-Infinita Map and the Great Ice Wall –Sacred Secretion: The Christ Oil  —  Petitions and Decrees — Cosmic Beings  — Astrology  & Planetary Alignment by Alice Stacionis

*Drawing for FREE Personal Astrology Chart

10pm CST – “Fireside Visualization”

Sunday – “Sunrise Sungazing” with crystal singing bowls

8am CST – Breakfast

9am CST – “Demonstration: How to Make Essential Oils from Plants”

We have a creek and property available to explore for the adventurous. There is a wonderful place to shop for crystals and other spirit tools. Come experience Southern Illinois like never before!!!



810 N 800 Street

Shobonier, IL 62885